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Does the Colour of Your Roof Tiles Matter? September 27, 2022


Your tile roof's colour choice is just as crucial as utilising high-quality, long-lasting materials. Your stone walls, brick accents, and siding must match your roofing tiles. Since a well-done job can last up to 20 years, your choice won't need to be changed for a while. There are tiles in any colour you can imagine, between black and white. When picking the proper colour tile for your roof, there are alternatives like blues, greens, browns, and reds. However, there are a few factors to consider.

Any Existing Regulations

Your city or neighbourhood association may have regulations on the outside appearance of your property. This should be considered when choosing your tile colour. Review these restrictions before moving forward with your improvements because a homeowner's association may also have rules you must follow. If you don't have these regulating agencies, check to see if your neighbours' roofs won't conflict with your option.

Exposure of Your Tile to Heat

You should consider the hot environment and how it will affect your roof in Australian roofing. Because the colour black absorbs energy, which is then transformed into heat, dark hues tend to hold heat better. White tiles, for example, reflect light and thus absorb less heat. Your home will get warmer because of the heat that dark tiles absorb. Because the heat remains for some time after the sun's rays have affected your roof, excessive heat can also cause your tiles to age and crack before their time. Due to the heavy use of your air conditioner throughout the summer, your home's overall heating will result in high energy costs.

Potential Resale Value of Your Property

Keep in consideration your home's market value if you intend to sell it in the years to come before a roof replacement is necessary. Future buyers might not have the same taste if you select vibrant, daring, or imaginative tiles. This could make it difficult to sell your house and force you to lower your asking price to pay for a new roof.

Aesthetic Considerations

Think about the exterior, colour, and design of your home. Avoid choosing tiles for your home that are the same colour as the walls because this will make it appear bland and washed out. Your home will have a trendy edge if you choose tiles that go well together; you should choose them using your home's present hue as inspiration.

Pick The Best Possible Colour for Your Roof Tiles

With complementary colours, simplicity is still possible. You'll have more colour options in homes made of brick or stone. While brown and mixed cream tiles go well with brown, tan, or cream-coloured walls, dark grey works nicely with a grey or blue house. Tiles in deep grey or black will give your white house a traditional appearance. Let your environment at home influence your decisions. Brick and stone cannot be painted, but wood can. Mixing patterns might result in a busy appearance that detracts from the rest of your home, so exercise caution when doing so.

Both the kerb and your backyard provide a view of your roof. Your roof's components will have an impact on exterior effects like decorating. The tallest part of your home, the roof, should naturally blend in with the landscape. Unexpectedly, the colour of your roof affects how the house feels or looks. Bold and dramatic colours will provide a more enthusiastic, energised feeling than calming, soothing hues, producing that precise feeling.

Our goal at Ajax Gregson Tiles is to assist you in selecting the ideal colours, textures, and materials for your new home. To that end, we've created a unique and welcoming environment. You'll be astounded at how simple it is to come up with the ideal external colour scheme when you have access to various "mix and match" colour tools and some helpful advice from our in-house colour specialists at our Colour Studio. Contact us for an appointment today!

Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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