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Tile Re-roofing Services: Finding the Right Contractor for Your Re-roofing Project July 11, 2023


If you're in the market for tile re-roofing services, finding the right contractor for the job is crucial. A well-executed re-roofing project can increase your home's value and improve its curb appeal, while a poorly executed one can be led to acostly repair down the road. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a contractor for your tile re-roofing project.

Look For Experience and Expertise

Tile re-roofing is a complex process that requires experience and expertise. Look for a contractor specialising in tile re-roofing services with a proven track record of delivering quality work. Check their website and online reviews to see if they have experience with your specific type of tile and have the necessary certifications and licenses to do the job.

Check Their Insurance and Warranties

Tile re-roofing is not only complex but also risky. Accidents can happen, and you want to make sure that you're protected in case of property damage or personal injury. Check that your contractor has both liability and workers' compensation insurance. Additionally, ask about their warranties and guarantees, and ensure they cover materials and workmanship.

Get Multiple Quotes

It's always a good idea to get multiple quotes from different contractors. This will not only give you a better idea of the market price for tile re-roofing services but also allow you to compare different contractors' offerings. Keep in mind that the cheapest quote may not necessarily be the best option. You want to balance price with quality work and experience. It's also important to get a written estimate from the contractor before any work begins to ensure that you fully understand the scope of the project, the timeline, and the total cost involved to avoid any misunderstandings.

Ask for References

A reputable contractor should have no problem providing you with references from past customers. Reach out to these references and ask them about their experience with the contractor. Were they satisfied with the work? Did the contractor finish the job on time and within budget? Would they hire the contractor again? Additionally, you can check online reviews and ratings from websites such as Yelp and Google to understand better the contractor's reputation and the quality of their work.

Check Their Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential to any successful project. Look for a contractor who communicates clearly, promptly, and regularly. They should be able to answer your questions and address your concerns in a professional and courteous manner. If you feel like you're not on the same page with your contractor, it could lead to misunderstandings and delays in the project.

In conclusion, finding the right contractor for your tile re-roofing project is crucial for a successful outcome. Doing your due diligence ensures that your re-roofing project is completed on time, within budget, and to your satisfaction.

At Ajax Gregson Roofing, we have over 30 years of experience in tile re-roofing services. We specialise in all types of tile roofing, including terracotta, cement, and slate. Our team of experts is licensed, insured, and committed to delivering quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Request a free quote and let us take care of your tile re-roofing needs.

Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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