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What is the Minimum Pitch for a Roof Tile?July 18, 2019


In the construction of houses, the pitch of a roof is one of the most important aspects. What is the importance of the pitch of a roof? The pitch is the steepness of a roof – the angle of a roof’s slope.

Why is the roof pitch important? Knowing your home’s roof pitch is important because it will help you to determine the different types of roofing and materials that are suitable for your house. The degree of the roof pitch is used to determine a roof’s design and will also dictate how roofing experts will go about constructing the roof of a house.

In traditional home construction it was not recommended to have a roof pitch lower than 20°. However, with modern roofing materials such as roofing tiles, the minimum roof pitch can be as low as 15°. Although, the minimum roof pitch for residential homes may vary depending on city and state building codes.

Low pitch roofs are more common today than ever before as architects not only design roofs with a low pitch to better protect houses from water penetration, but also to push design boundaries. Another reason why low pitch roofs are more common today is the demand for larger roofscapes and ground floor extensions, where low pitch tiles are required in some cases, and because roofing systems for ground floor extension have more lax planning requirements.

In support of design possibilities, and to ensure maximum penetration protection, the best roof tile to use on minimum pitch roofs is a roof tile.

Best Roof Tiles for Low Pitch Roofs

There are a number of reasons why roof tiles are the best to use on minimum pitch roofs. Aesthetically, concrete and terracotta roof tiles are available in a variety of colours, styles, and textures to match any home’s design. Unlike steep roofs, low pitch roofs with roof tiles are very strong, which makes mounting solar panels or a solar water heating system on the roof possible.

The elegant flat lines of terracotta tiles make these an ideal choice for low pitch roofs, as they are not only hardy and can withstand severe, heat, wind, and rain, but will also naturally complement a range of architectural styles from classic to contemporary.

For more information about the roofing tiles for low pitch roofs, contact us here at Ajax Gregson Tiles. We offer a free, no obligation consultation to homeowners and can answer any question you may have about roofing tiles.

Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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