0403 486 772

Roof Tile Prevention from Wind Damage and Being Blown OffNovember 20, 2020


Although codes and standards are now in place with regards to roofing and interlocking tiles, there are still those roofers out there who get away with installing roof and tiles without attaching any fixings. There is no legitimate statistics in this regard, but there have been more records of tiles being sold in proportion to clippings and fixings that hold it together. One can simply assume that some contractors in local and domestic roofing projects tend to skip this important attachment.

There are multiple reasons as to why contractors might excuse this behaviour. For one, they could be unaware that even single-lapped roof tiles are now required to mechanically fasten the tiles to prevent the wind from lifting them. Another reason could be the force of habit. Despite new standards and local codes, they remain firm in their old ways since they know it works and it will not cause any problems in the immediate future. Or it could be that they know about it but refuse to care because they are simply stubborn because it will take more effort and time to get it done.

Of course, none of these reasons would justify skipping an important step. Property owners entrust roofing contractors to safely and securely install their roof tiles. If these so-called professionals knowingly skip that particular step, they are placing their clients in grave dangers. You could get someone injured once the roof tiles blow off due to windy weather and fall into someone. Given the scenario, insurance companies would dig deep as to who is at fault and would land to errant and negligent contractors.

With that said, here are a few roof tile tips to prevent your roof tile from wind damage and being blown off.

Install Roof Tile Clips

As previously mentioned, installing fixings and attachments could be challenging as it consumes more time and effort. Luckily, there is a more convenient and speedy process that could significantly reduce the time and effort it would take to have your roof tiles secured and fastened. You could maximise roof tile clips can be neatly laid in rows so you can lay it out on the roof and move them along as you get it installed. Through this, there is no more nitpicking and shaking clippings out, while you dangle up the roof.

The clips are also colour coded with a paint mark so you can be sure you are using the right clip for the tile. If the rafter is close or under the clipping point you simply have to spring the clip to the left slightly to find the free space. It is undoubtedly the best tile clip and the most secure because it doesn’t split the batten or distort in any way, it simply slides down and clicks and if you try to lift the tile up you will see just how effective it is. Also, around the perimeter, you will still need to nail the tiles as well as clipping them but you will then have the makings of a very secure roof.


Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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