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Reroofing: Better now than laterNovember 10, 2014


When it comes to roofing, there is a singular dilemma that most homeowners face. What is that? Prefabricated roofing is nothing compared to customized or specialized roofing and it is not always guaranteed to last or endure for prolonged periods. This is especially true when exposed to yearly extreme weather conditions. Eventually, roofing needs to be replaces and as the saying goes “better now than later.”

Like everything about a home, roofing requires regular maintenance and/or repair. It’s true that prefabricated roofs tend to need more frequent repairing than customized roofs in the long run. This eventually results in far more expenses than is practical. It may be a wise investment to consider reroofing a prefab roof as soon as regular repairs become evident, or as soon as any sign of significant damage is discovered. When to reroof is a question that is commonly asked, and you will find the information here helpful in your decision making to undergo a reroofing project.

Reroofing is an overhaul job which requires significant amounts of time and cash to undertake and it shouldn't be made lightly. Some factors to consider when attempting reroofing Melbourne are as follows:

The Material – Roofing material comes first in the list of concerns, as there are innumerable types of roofing materials to choose from. One of the most commonplace materials available today is corrugated aluminum or G. I. sheets. These are pretty much able to keep the rain out, are resistant to rust and weathering, and is quite durable. However, they tend to be thin and can easily let heat in, making temperatures during daytime unbearable.

Tiles on the other hand are old-fashioned roofing materials that endure for long periods of time and are highly resistant to extremes of weather. And, they are also stylish and are capable of regulating the overall temperature of a house.

The Price – Tile roofing may be expensive, but investing in tile roofs allows you to save much more in the long run, especially since tile roofs require very little maintenance in tropical weather. Some tile roofs are moderately priced, although customized tile roofing tends to go up in price depending on the type of tile employed, its thickness, and other such factors. Deciding what best goes with your budget is the key to good reroofing and a professional reroofing specialist can help you with this

The Environs – One of the most easily overlooked aspects of reroofing is the environment that the house is situated upon. In most cases, people are simply content to have a roof over their heads, without even so much as considering the possible pros and cons of employing one material contra another. With respect to Melbourne’s environment, ceramic roofs and tile roofs are among the best choices you can opt for to get your money’s worth. This type of roofing material is ideal because of its capacity to keep an area cool even in the hottest weather, and warm even during the coldest of nights.

Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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