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Roof Molds: When a Roof Tear Off and Re-roofing Becomes a NecessityMay 8, 2017


There comes a time when property owners need to consider tearing off and re-roofing because their roof is old or damaged in some way. In fact, the cause may even be linked to roof molds. It’s true, mold and mildew in an attic can’t be seen immediately, but as time passes it can become noticeable and action should be taken as soon as possible.

Basically, there is nothing good about mold and mildew when these are found inside a home, this is because molds and mildew are fungi and present a real health hazard, especially if children come into contact with it. For older roofs, mold is very bad because it can destroy organic material over time, such as wood beams, attic rafters, and even roof shingles. However, is it possible that roof molds can create a need for a roof tear off or re-roofing?

The Cause of Roof Molds

While mold and mildew may not cause the need for a roof tear off and re-roofing, the underlining cause of mold can. What causes roof molds? The main cause of mold and mildew in the attic is from roof leaks, and from moisture build-up because of lack of proper ventilation. Even a small leak can cause mold growth that can quickly spread throughout the attic and into a home. The best way to know if a home has roof molds is by scheduling a roof inspection.

Scheduling a roof inspection can prevent mold from developing by detecting any roof leaks or damages to a roof, and then making roof repairs as needed. There are different types of roofing materials, each with their own distinct characteristics, such as metal roofing sheets, wood shingles, asphalt roofing, concrete and terracotta roofing tiles. Of these, concrete and terracotta roofing tiles are preferred because these are hardy, do not rust, corrode, rot, or deteriorate with age or from exposure to the elements, as do other roofing materials.

If discovered in time, roof molds can be removed safely by licensed roofing professionals, however, if left unchecked roof molds can spread excessively throughout the attic and under roofing. This may cause enough damage to a roof that a roof tear off or re-roofing becomes a necessity, so that mold and mildew can be properly and thoroughly removed, and roof leaks repaired.

If you want to know the health of your roof, then schedule a free no-obligation roof inspection with Ajax Gregson Tiles – roofing and re-roofing specialists in Melbourne.

Ajax Gregson TIles
PO BOX 79, MOUNT EVELYN VIC 3796 ( Temporary )
Glen’s Mobile 0419 546 699
Mel’s Mobile 0403 486 772
Email: ajaxtiles@bigpond.com.au

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